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About us

Tech Kunjo is your tech-savvy companion, focused on unraveling the wonders of gadgets, particularly smartphones. Our mission is to simplify the intricate world of technology, empowering you to make informed decisions.

We’re not just a website; we’re a team of passionate tech enthusiasts eager to share our knowledge. We’re driven by the belief that everyone deserves easy access to tech wisdom, regardless of their expertise.

Whether you’re a tech aficionado or a newcomer, Tech Kunjo is your gateway to demystifying gadgets and embracing the tech universe.

Join the journey

Team Tech Kunjo

Who we are?

Many people may ask themselves, “Who are we?” We are now settling down to write the answers to all of their queries in order to clear their confusion. We are not a business or an agency; rather, we are a collection of people who gather information about all mobile phones and upload it on our website. The essential point is that we haven’t sold any phones yet, but we know what they’re all worth. We help individuals by providing cell phone evaluations and specifications.

What we did?

Tech Kunjo is a website that provides smartphone specifications, prices, and reviews. We do our best to assist individuals by sharing smartphone specifications, reviews, dates of release, and price information. We study and provide precise data to our visitors based on our authentic resources. Many people are pleased to find the greatest phone they can purchase for themselves after reading our mobile reviews.

How do we work?

For the benefit of our visitors, we provide the official and unofficial pricing of new and old mobile phones on our website. Visitors will find it easier to purchase mobile phones as a result of this. They can choose mobile devices based on their budget.

We obtain the official pricing of each mobile phone from the manufacturer’s website and publish the information on our website. There is no chance of supplying data that is inaccurate.

Therefore, we are able to provide visitors with the precise pricing of the products. Phones, both Official and Unofficial, are in great demand these days. Unofficial phones are widely available in Bangladeshi retailers. Our crew keeps the website up to date with the unofficial costs of unofficial devices from the leading retailers in all of those stores.

This is the way we emphasize our website’s content. We never mislead our visitors. People are just misinformed. Making errors is natural. So, if you see any errors, kindly let us aware by leaving a comment or filling out the form on our contact page. Would you like to find out more about us? If you’re experiencing any queries concerning us, please ask them on our contact page.

Our Tech Odysseys

We’re not just writing stuff – we’re real tech fans who love playing with gadgets. Everything you read on our site is true because we’ve tried it ourselves or researched it really well.

More than Gadgets

Even though we love talking about smartphones, we’re not stopping there. We’re getting ready to talk about other cool stuff too. From smartwatches to things that make your home smart, we’ll have all the info you need.

Our Goal

Our goal is simple: we want to help you make smart choices when you’re picking out gadgets. We know it can be confusing with so many options out there. That’s why Tech Kunjo is here to help you by giving you all the details and advice you need.

Come join Us

We want you to be part of our tech adventure. It doesn’t matter if you know a lot about tech or not much at all. Tech Kunjo is here to help you understand things easily. We want you to feel confident when you’re picking out gadgets that fit your life.

Explore and Learn

Tech Kunjo isn’t just a website; it’s a community of tech enthusiasts who believe that knowledge is the key to unlocking the potential of every gadget. We encourage you to explore our articles, engage with our content, and empower yourself with the information you need to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.


Customers can get new mobile upgrades and news from Tech Kunjo. Each section and product on our website has been developed so that you are able to get all the information about mobile at your fingers. You may quickly compare various products with only one click if you like. On our website, you can also read reviews for each cell phone.

Thank You

Thank you for choosing Tech Kunjo as your companion on this thrilling tech journey. With us, you’re not just keeping up with the times – you’re setting the pace.

Welcome aboard! 

Team Tech Kunjo

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk and we’re eager to help you.