Humane AI Pin: What you need to know

Humane has finally unveiled the Humane AI Pin after months of speculation, leaks, and disclosures. The little gadget connects magnetically to the wearer’s lapel and collects data using an on-board camera.

It uses AI and is powered by a Qualcomm processor. Humane hopes it might one day replace your smartphone. It will be available for purchase in the United States on November 16. Former Apple designers introduce the Humane AI Pin, a $700 smartphone alternative.

Image Credit: Humane

Key Features of the Humane Ai Pin

  • AI-Powered Lapel Pin: The Humane AI Pin is a $699 wearable lapel pin designed to replace smartphones.
  • Voice-Activated Assistant: Allows users to make calls, send texts, and search for information using voice commands.
  • Laser Display: Features a laser display that transforms the user’s palm into a small screen showing time, date, and surroundings.
  • Qualcomm Processor: Powered by a Qualcomm processor, the pin utilizes advanced AI for various functions.
  • Monthly Data Subscription: Requires a $24 monthly data subscription to T-Mobile, independent of a smartphone.
  • Independent Phone Number: Has its own phone number, not dependent on a smartphone like smartwatches.
  • Real-Time Translation: Capable of translating conversations in real-time, supporting languages like Spanish and English.
  • Integration with AI Services: Utilizes AI services from Microsoft, Google, OpenAI, and others for tasks like playing music or summarizing schedules.
  • Privacy Features: Activates only upon user engagement, no ‘wake words,’ and includes a Trust Light to indicate when sensors are active.
  • Ambient Computing: Aims to integrate AI seamlessly into daily life without overshadowing human experience, using a unique two-piece design with customizable experiences through

Humane AI Pin as smartphone replacement

Humane, a five-year-old artificial intelligence business created by former Apple designers Imran Chaudhri and Bethany Bongiorno, unveiled its first product on Thursday: a $699 lapel pin.

The Humane AI Pin is intended to replace your smartphone, allowing you to make calls, send texts, and search for information using voice commands. It also contains a laser display, which transforms your palm into a little screen that displays the time, date, and what’s around.


Customers would have to pay a $24 monthly data subscription to T-Mobile in addition to the device’s upfront cost, according to the firm. Because the pin has its own phone number, it is not tied to a smartphone like smart watches.

Humane aroused eyebrows in March when it announced a $100 million funding round from Microsoft, LG’s investment arm, and Tiger Global prior to releasing a product. The startup has funded more than $200 million in total, with investments from OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff.

Humane will begin accepting orders for the AI Pin on November 16.

Chaudhri and Bongiorno displayed some of the device’s functions and described the technology behind it, that is powered by a Qualcomm chipset, in their video on Thursday. (Qualcomm Ventures is also a shareholder.)


The AI Pin includes an integrated speaker and the camera, and when those features are activated, a light flashes. By double-tapping the pin, you may shoot a photo or video that can be watched on Humane’s online app.

According to the demo, the gadget is capable of translating conversations in speech from Spanish to English as well as vice versa in real-time, in along with sending and receiving texts.

Users can use the internet to access AI services rather than downloaded applications. According to the corporation, AI services are being contributed by Microsoft, Google, OpenAI, and other companies. Customers might request that large language models “play songs from famous sci-fi films” or inquire for information. A Tidal membership is required to listen to music.

The assistant on the smartphone may also summarize the user’s daily schedule, messages received, or health statistics such as the quantity of “protein have I had today.”

Wearable ‘Ai Pin’ launched by Humane, backed by ex-Apple execs and Microsoft

Humane, a Silicon Valley business with a who’s who of co-founders and executives, unveiled a $699 gadget on Thursday that hopes to bring advanced AI to a lapel near you.

The Ai Pin, as the gadget is known, is meant to be worn on clothes and may be touched to chat to an artificially intelligent assistant powered by OpenAI technology and Microsoft (MSFT.O) cloud computing capacity. It displays text and monochrome pictures on the user’s hand using a laser projection device.

Humane, established by ex-Apple (AAPL.O) employees who worked on the iPhone, is one of several startups in Silicon Valley looking for the next generation of consumer products. However, Humane has vehemently rejected the mixed-reality headsets in development by firms like as Apple and Meta Platforms (META.O), with Humane co-founder and President Imran Chaudhri declaring earlier this year during a display of the Ai Pin that “the future is not on your face.”

Instead, Humane is delivering a gadget with no standard screen that interacts with the user nearly exclusively through artificial intelligence. The virtual assistant on the Pin promises to outperform others by producing messages in the user’s tone of speech and providing a “Catch Me Up” tool to summarize a cluttered email inbox. The Pin also has a camera that can snap images or use computer vision to scan things like food and provide an estimate of its nutritional composition to the user.

“Ai Pin is the embodiment of our vision to integrate AI into the fabric of daily life, enhancing our capabilities without overshadowing our humanity,” Chaudhri stated in a press release.

The Ai Pin, according to the business, will go on sale in the US on November 16. Microsoft, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, and others have contributed $241 million to Humane.

Humane’s Ai Pin promises an ‘ambient computing’ future for $699

“Ai Pin is the embodiment of our vision to integrate AI into the fabric of daily life, enhancing our capabilities without overshadowing our humanity,” stated the startup’s founders in a statement. “We are excited to finally share what we and the Humane team have been working on for the past four years.” Ai Pin is only the beginning for us.”

It’s similar to Narrative Clip, the doomed lifelogging camera. The square gadget (or squircle, if you will) has a camera, microphone, depth and motion sensors, and a Snapdragon CPU for data processing on-board. As an inevitable progression from smartphone assistants like Siri, voice control is fundamental to the device. The wearer communicates with the pin via a “personic speaker” or linked Bluetooth headphones.

Image Credit: Humane

There is no screen, which is kind of the purpose, but there is a touchpad. The pin responds to motions as well. Unlike many other items that have claimed to free us from our screen addiction, the Ai Pin is intended to be used without a smartphone. This is accomplished using a Humane-branded cellular network built on top of T-Mobile.

The Laser Ink Display, which projects messages such as an incoming call into your palm in place of the touchscreen, is by far the most visually appealing aspect of this device.

Image Credit: Humane

The gadget comes with “battery boosters,” allowing users to change out power sources on the go. The Pin “has a one-of-a-kind two-piece design that consists of the main computer and a battery booster.” These are magnetically attached and powered wirelessly through clothes and gear, allowing you to wear the Ai Pin in a number of ways. Users may quick replace the battery booster on the fly with its everlasting power system, providing uninterrupted usage and all-day battery life.”

The technology, like the previously introduced Ray-Ban Meta spectacles, has a “Trust Light” to alert individuals nearby when the system is recording. Many privacy activists have taken issue with such recording, but we have yet to see how the general public reacts to such gadgets. Many people may have become numb to such possible intrusions as a result of the advent of sites like Facebook.

Humane is quick to tell you that while not engaged, the Pin isn’t listening for wake words. “The device only activates upon user engagement and does not employ ‘wake words’, ensuring it is not always listening or recording,” according to the report. “Ai Pin has a prominent Trust Light that indicates when any sensors are active and is controlled by a dedicated privacy chip.” If Ai Pin is hacked, it will stop down and demand expert assistance from Humane.”

Image credit: Humane

Cosmos (CosmOS? ), a proprietary AI-infused operating system, powers the system. “The Ai Bus, an entirely new AI software framework, brings Ai Pin to life and eliminates the need to download, manage, or launch apps.” Instead, it rapidly recognizes what you require, instantaneously linking you to the appropriate AI experience or service,” the business adds.

Curiously, the original release does not specifically identify the ChatGPT type by name, while OpenAI is referenced in the press materials. According to the statement, “Humane’s special partnerships with Microsoft and OpenAI give Ai Pin access to some of the most potent AI models and platforms in the world and lay the groundwork for new capabilities to be added as the technology advances.” “Ai Pin does not require pairing with a smartphone or other companion device; it is a stand-alone device.”

The service allows for off-device customization of the device experience. That’s a crucial detail considering how much on-device customization is restricted by the voice and touch-only interface.

Ai Pin links to to manage and retrieve your data, including photographs, movies, and notes,” the business says. “This platform acts as a central hub for your device, ensuring a smooth interaction from setup to day-to-day use.” Users are asked to onboard via a privacy-protected webpage after purchasing Ai Pin, allowing the gadget to adapt its services to individual tastes.”

“Hey Google” from Humane looks to be “Catch Me Up,” which “sorts through the noise” of your unread inbox. Meanwhile, the technology states that it will “craft messages in your tone of voice.”

Here’s some good(ish) news: Initial predictions that the gadget would cost “upwards of $1,000” were incorrect (albeit not by much) – $699 is hardly a discount for a first-generation product that has yet to be validated. Then there’s the $24 monthly subscription charge. That’s three Hulu subscriptions.

Image Credit: Humane

Humane demonstrated a real-time translation capability, as well as the capacity to detect a piece of food you’re holding and tell you whether it fulfills your fitness objectives (and, presumably, if it’s a hot dog). The list of functions now appears to be quite limited, but the business claims that “as the device and platform evolve with future updates, so do the possibilities it unlocks.”

Service for streaming music Tidal is the company’s first software partner, with the goal of creating a “AI-driven music experience.” “We want to raise the bar of listening experiences for fans and are delighted to be the first music platform to integrate with Humane’s Ai Pin,” Tidal CEO Jesse Dorogusker said. We’ve teamed with Humane to bring fans a smooth method to connect with music no matter where they are.”Customers may utilize their Ai pin to select the best Tidal tunes to enhance the event by playing music based on their context.”

The amount of excitement around the hardware debut is not exceptional. It is, however, highly unusual for a new corporation, recalling the buildup to Project Ginger. Prior to the device’s debut, none other than Steve Jobs predicted that it would transform the way cities of the future were created. Of course, that product would become the Segway.

Image Credit: Humane

The verbiage around the gadget and the associated press materials make the kind of huge, sweeping claims we’ve gotten used to around the Bay — technology that is changing the world the size of a matchbook. While the startup’s rumored intention to launch during last month’s solar eclipse fell through (though mentions to the occasion remain on the business’s X account), the company has handled the launch with a degree of solemnity generally reserved for Apple events.

Of course, there are no coincidences in our little universe. Humane is inextricably linked to Apple and has been taught in the techniques of the so-called reality distortion field. Bethany Bongiorno and Imran Chaudhri, co-founders and CEO and president, are both former Apple workers. Their tenure at the world’s wealthiest firm laid the groundwork for the buzz that has been building since last year.

Chaudhri worked as a designer for the firm for 20 years until allegedly being sacked in 2017 after sending an email quoting Rumi, a 13th century poet, saying, “When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” Unfortunately, rivers dry up, and when they do, you have to seek for a new one.” Bongiorno was a director of software engineering for both iOS and macOS for eight years until retiring in 2016. Both were probably aware of the Vision Pro during its lengthy development.

Image Credit: Humane

Then there’s the not-insignificant outflow of ex-Apple employees. Over the course of the startup’s half-decade existence, 90 ex-Apple workers are said to have worked for or for the 200-person team.

The launch coincides with a surge of interest in generative AI, and the company is positioning its debut product as an early use case for the massive language models that have captivated the tech world’s mind.

Every technology business, from the smallest startups to the world’s Googles and Apples, is trying to discover efficient methods to combine these technologies into real-world goods. The Ai Pin may be the first famous item to really capture that zeitgeist, but it won’t be the last.

In spite of a recent report that the OpenAI CEO was quietly and independently working on what could have amounted to a direct competitor with Apple design guru and “aluminium” pronouncer, Jony Ive, having Sam Altman as your largest shareholder (with around 14% at last count) helps with the Silicon Valley bona fides.

Image Credit: Humane

“We believe in a future where artificial intelligence amplifies human potential, and Humane shares this vision,” Altman adds in today’s statement. “We’re proud to be partnering with them to harness AI and redefine how we interact with technology — and the world.”

Humane has secured $230 million in total funding, including a $100 million Series C disclosed in March. Kindred Ventures, SK Networks, LG Technology Ventures, Microsoft, Volvo Cars Tech Fund, Tiger Global Qualcomm Ventures, and Salesforce’s Marc Benioff are among the investors.

Investors are undoubtedly optimistic, but is the world prepared to move beyond the smartphone? Humane is by no means the first brand to pose the topic. Over the last decade, there has been much wringing of hands about a world hooked to the little screen, like scenes from a John Carpenter film. After all, this is the augmented reality headset’s promise. Last February, Google promised such liberties with Glass.

Humane is pitching its own future vision as the polar opposite of what Apple demonstrated in June with the Vision Pro — totally immersing oneself in or being emancipated from the screen. The story hasn’t escaped Humane’s internal Slack channel. According to a former employee who talked with The Information, “bashing” the headphones was standard procedure among all employees, ex-Apple or not.

It comes down to “spatial computing” vs “ambient computing.” Both phrases have been bandied about for quite some time. Ambient computing, in particular, is a broad enough notion that individuals frequently differ on the specifics. This is owing, in part, to the fact that it was coined before the gadgets that would finally define it were created. Simply said, it is technology that is designed to be out of the way. It’s a network of gadgets that work tirelessly to make you forget they’re there.

Humane has spent the last few months attempting to maintain its status as a stealth firm while filtering out a lot of information about the gadget. Chaudhri delivered a TED lecture in May titled “The Disappearing Computer: An Exclusive Preview of Humane’s Screenless Tech.” He donned a black Ai Pin with a black blazer, acting out a phone conversation from Bongiorno (the two are also married) to demonstrate the device’s on-palm projection capabilities.

“In the future, technology will be both ambient and contextual,” he said as he spoke, “and this means harnessing AI to really understand you and your surroundings, in order to achieve the best results.”

Image Credit: Humane

The Ai Pin made an appearance on the lapels of models walking the Paris runway in September. Humane also provided a sneak peek of the technology to Time Magazine for inclusion on their list of the 200 Best Inventions of 2023.

For individuals interested in the gadget, the firm is presently offering a waitlist. It is available in three different colors: Eclipse, Equinox, and Lunar. Meanwhile, enjoy the almonds.

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Pros and Cons of the Humane Ai Pin


  1. Ambient Computing: Seamlessly integrates AI into daily life without a traditional screen.
  2. Voice-Activated Interface: Enables hands-free calls, texts, and commands.
  3. Laser Display: Unique palm projection for time, date, and surroundings.
  4. Real-Time Translation: Capable of translating conversations in multiple languages.
  5. Privacy Features: Activation only upon user engagement, Trust Light for sensor indication.
  6. Monthly Subscription: Offers an independent phone number with a $24 T-Mobile data subscription.
  7. Durable Design: Built for everyday use with durable materials.
  8. Customizable Experience: allows off-device customization of AI experience.
  9. Wireless Charging: Two-piece design with magnetically attached, wirelessly powered battery boosters.


  1. Cost: Priced at $699, making it relatively expensive.
  2. Monthly Subscription Cost: Additional $24 monthly data subscription required.
  3. Limited Carrier Compatibility: Currently designed for T-Mobile, limiting carrier options.
  4. Limited Language Support: Real-time translation supports a limited number of languages.
  5. Dependence on Internet: Some features require internet access.
  6. Undisclosed Lifespan: The expected lifespan of the device is not specified.

Humane Ai Pin Review

The Humane AI Pin, designed by former Apple designers Imran Chaudhri and Bethany Bongiorno, ushers in a new era of wearable technology. This $699 lapel pin wants to alter cellphones’ roles by effortlessly incorporating artificial intelligence into daily life.

The Qualcomm-powered gadget provides hands-free functionality via a voice-activated interface, a unique laser display that projects information into the user’s palm, and real-time translation capabilities. Concerns about privacy are addressed by features such as activation only upon user participation and a Trust Light signal.

The comparatively high price, reliance on a $24 monthly T-Mobile subscription, and restricted carrier compatibility, on the other hand, may provide issues. The Humane AI Pin’s focus on ambient computing, personalization via, and a wireless charging two-piece design make it a remarkable breakthrough, but with pricing and carrier constraints to consider.

Humane Ai Pin FAQ

Here are the frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers about the Humane Ai Pin:

Is the Humane AI Pin a phone replacement?

Yes, the Humane AI Pin is designed to replace smartphones, allowing users to make calls, send texts, and perform various tasks using voice commands.

How much does the Humane AI Pin cost?

The Humane AI Pin is priced at $699.

Does it require a monthly subscription?

Yes, a $24 monthly data subscription to T-Mobile is required, in addition to the upfront cost of the device.

What powers the Humane AI Pin?

The pin is powered by a Qualcomm processor, supporting advanced AI capabilities.

Can it be used independently of a smartphone?

Yes, the Humane AI Pin has its own phone number and is not tied to a smartphone like smartwatches.

What languages does the real-time translation feature support?

The pin is capable of translating conversations in real-time, including languages like Spanish and English.

How does the Humane Ai Pin laser display work?

The laser display transforms the user’s palm into a small screen, showing time, date, and surroundings.

Is Humane Ai Pin have any privacy concern with the built-in camera?

The device includes privacy features, activating only upon user engagement, and a Trust Light indicates when sensors are active.

Can I use the internet on the Humane AI Pin?

Yes, users can access AI services on the internet instead of downloading applications, with contributions from companies like Microsoft, Google, and OpenAI.

What AI services are available on the Humane AI Pin?

AI services include music playback, summarizing schedules, language translation, and more from partners like Microsoft, Google, and OpenAI.

How is the battery life of the Humane AI Pin?

The device has an all-day battery life, and users can change battery boosters on the go.

Can I customize the Humane AI Pin experience?

Yes, the service allows off-device customization, acting as a central hub for managing data and preferences.

Is the Humane AI Pin always listening?

No, the device only activates upon user engagement and does not employ ‘wake words’ to ensure it is not always listening or recording.

How does the real-time translation feature work?

The pin uses AI to translate conversations in speech from one language to another in real-time.

Is there a screen on the Humane AI Pin?

No, the device intentionally does not have a traditional screen, relying on voice and touch interactions.

Are there color options available for the Humane AI Pin?

Yes, the pin is available in three colors: Eclipse, Equinox, and Lunar.

What sets the Humane AI Pin apart from other devices?

The Humane AI Pin distinguishes itself by focusing on ambient computing, integrating AI seamlessly into daily life without a traditional screen, and using a two-piece design for flexibility.

Can the Humane AI Pin replace my smartphone entirely?

Yes, the Humane AI Pin is designed to replace smartphones, enabling calls, texts, and various functions through voice commands.

What makes the Humane AI Pin different from other wearable devices?

The Humane AI Pin distinguishes itself with ambient computing, lacking a traditional screen and focusing on AI integration into daily life.

How much is the monthly data subscription, and why is it necessary?

The monthly data subscription is $24, supporting the pin’s independent connectivity without reliance on a smartphone.

Is the Humane AI Pin compatible with other phone carriers besides T-Mobile?

Currently, the device is designed to work with T-Mobile, and compatibility with other carriers may be explored in the future.

What security features are in place to protect user privacy?

The Humane AI Pin includes privacy features, activating only upon user engagement, and a Trust Light indicates when sensors are active.

Can I use the pin without an internet connection?

While some features may require internet access, basic functionalities like calls and texts can be used without an internet connection.

Are there limitations to the real-time translation feature?

The real-time translation feature currently supports languages like Spanish and English and may expand with future updates.

How durable is the Humane AI Pin for everyday use?

The pin is designed for everyday use and is built with durable materials, but specific durability tests may vary.

Can I customize the AI services on the Humane AI Pin?

Yes, the service allows users to customize the device’s AI experience and manage preferences.

What is the expected lifespan of the Humane AI Pin, and are upgrades available?

The expected lifespan is not specified, but the company may offer software updates to enhance capabilities. Upgrades may be considered in future iterations.

Disclaimer: The specs displayed here may differ from those of the actual product. We are unable to guarantee that the specs on this page are completely accurate. Please double-check before purchasing. Thank you very much.

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